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The Mission Challenger said it best in his first ever Facebook post:

Bear with me on this one...

Sardines are constricted, crammed into a tin. I'm pretty sure their not enjoying themselves. There want to be out there, having fun, right? so to enable sardines to have more fun, surely we should allow them more sex?

Hmmm. Ok, so to tell the truth, we didn't really give the name much thought. It just sounded funny.

But equally, I'm sure don't want to feel like a sardine trapped in a tin - you want FUN. Well now you can have fun. Through a series of missions. 12 missions in fact. 12 missions in 12 months.

Do something.

Something fun.

Something you wouldn't normally do.

1 challenge a month.

For 12 months.

So I did...

Available at: